Have we answered your question before? Please check our FAQs.
If not, send us an email using the information below and we will reply to you shortly.
For any general enquiries, customer service enquiries or website enquiries, please email us with the email address far below, with your full name and your enquiry. Please be sure to add a subject to your email outlining your issue so we can easily see it and get back to you ASAP.
Please send submissions to the following email address (using the guidelines above):
Tel: +44 (0) 1273 477374
Thank you for your interest in Swim.
What to pitch: Freelancers are welcome to contact us. Keep in mind that Swim has an international readership. Word counts for all sections range from 850-2,000.
Please describe your proposal, why you want to write it, what qualifies you to write it (include URLs to previously published examples of your work), and which experts you plan to interview for the piece (unless you are fully qualified to write about the subject matter). You may also submit finished articles for consideration.
Lead time: Feature pitches can be submitted a few months out.
Feedback: We will be in touch ONLY if your idea is suitable for Swim. As much as we would like to feed back personally, we only have time to respond to submissions that are likely to run in a future issue of the magazine. If you do not hear from us on this occasion, please don’t let it deter you from pitching new ideas.
Thank you for your interest in Swim.
What to pitch: We welcome portfolio submissions from all illustrators. Please make yourself familiar with the work we cover in the magazine to determine whether you might be a good fit. We generally need strong conceptual artists who are able to interpret a feature with originality and skill. Please include a live web link, or appropriate Instagram page, a summary of your experience, and make sure to attach a representative selection of your work to the email.
We ask that you limit yourself to a maximum of 5 image attachments, and try to keep the file sizes to a minimum (a limit of of 5mb per image).
Feedback: We will be in touch ONLY if your work is suitable for Swim. If a feature comes up that we think you might be able to illustrate, we will be in touch. As much as we would like to feed back personally, we only have time to respond to submissions that are likely to run in a future issue of the magazine.
GMC Publications Ltd,
86 High Street, Lewes, BN7 1XU
United Kingdom
Phone: 01273 477374
E-Mail: hello@justswimmag.com